About Me
Over the last few years, I have completed a comprehensive Certificate in Herbal Medicine with the Southern Institute of Medical Herbalism (SIMH) and am now working towards achieving my Diploma of Medical Herbalism. You can learn more about my course and the training I am undertaking by visiting the SIMH website here.
As part of the Diploma program, I take on cases and work with people using the traditional tools and approaches of a medical herbalist. You can learn more about what is involved in this process by continuing to scroll down to the next section. If you would like to make an appointment with me then the important details, including what you can expect to happen, are talked about in more detail on the page "Making an Appointment".
If you would like to learn some more about the ethics and philosophy that underlie my training, then you might like to read the ‘Herbalist’s Oath’ that I made a solemn promise to uphold in front of my mentors and my peers at my first graduation ceremony. You can see it here.
Some more about me personally is that I live just north of Christchurch in a semi-rural property in Mandeville with my partner and son. I have worked in health for a number of years, however more recently have become intrigued by the use of traditional healing methods and herbs to enhance vitality.
I have a particular passion in working collaboratively with people to treat persistent/chronic health conditions with the assistance of medicinal plants, and the holistic integration of mind and body elements to enhance wellness. This includes seeking to understand potential causes of problems (the “why”), and addressing these, not solely treating the symptoms themselves.